The 6 Marker Structure in Business

The 6 marker structure is a common format for essay questions in business exams. It requires students to develop two distinct points, each with evidence and analysis, in order to score the full 6 marks.
To write a successful 6 marker answer, it is important to follow a clear structure. This might look something like the following:
- Introduction
In the introduction, you should introduce the topic of the question and state your two main points. You should also provide a brief overview of the evidence and analysis that you will use to support your points.
- Body Paragraph 1
In the first body paragraph, you should develop your first main point. You should use evidence from your studies to support your point and provide a clear analysis of the evidence.
- Body Paragraph 2
In the second body paragraph, you should develop your second main point. You should use evidence from your studies to support your point and provide a clear analysis of the evidence.
- Conclusion
In the conclusion, you should summarize your two main points and provide a final evaluation of the evidence. You should also reflect on the implications of your findings for businesses.
Here is an example of a 6 marker answer to the question:
Question: Discuss the importance of marketing for businesses.
Marketing is the process of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. It is an essential function for businesses of all sizes and in all industries.
Body Paragraph 1
One of the key reasons why marketing is so important is that it helps businesses to identify and understand their target markets. By understanding their target markets, businesses can develop products and services that meet the needs and wants of those markets.
Body Paragraph 2
Marketing also helps businesses to communicate their value proposition to their target markets. The value proposition is what makes a business’s products or services different from those of its competitors. By communicating their value proposition effectively, businesses can persuade potential customers to buy their products or services.
In conclusion, marketing is an essential function for businesses of all sizes and in all industries. It helps businesses to identify and understand their target markets, communicate their value proposition, and persuade potential customers to buy their products or services.
This is just one example of a 6 marker answer. The specific structure and content of your answer will vary depending on the specific question that you are asked. However, the following tips will help you to write a successful 6 marker answer:
- Read the question carefully and identify the two main points that you need to develop.
- Provide evidence from your studies to support your points.
- Provide a clear analysis of the evidence.
- Summarize your two main points in the conclusion.
- Reflect on the implications of your findings for businesses.
By following these tips, you can write a successful 6 marker answer that will help you to achieve a high score in your business exams.