To Improve Our Health We Have To Satisfy The Subconscious Mind Or It Isn’t Going To Happen! (Part 2)

In Part 1 we identified a physical component and a mental component as being two key factors to be considered in any strategy designed to take control of our health. In Part 2 we look specifically at the mental factor and what type of strategy we could use to re-program the subconscious mind.
So let’s first restate the position…
# While barriers to taking control of our health may appear to be concerned mainly with the physical state of the body, they are also psychological in nature. In fact, it seems likely that somehow we have turned our ‘good health cbd boss us‘ off.
# We pay insufficient regard to the power of the subconscious mind to influence the state of our health.
# Unwittingly, we have been deeply conditioned to accept ill-health and aging as being an inevitable and normal part of living.
Let’s explore the latter point a little further…
Marketers discovered long ago that the best way to sell health products was promoting the symptoms of ill-health and aging. Then there are health authorities that routinely issue shocking statistics telling us how likely we are to get cancer, diabetes, heart attack and so on – little wonder we believe we can’t possibly escape. Add to that our friends and relations who keep popping off due to something or other and the ‘well-meaning’ who tell us it’s not our fault we’re sick – in other words, it’s beyond our control.
Then there are us! Arguably we’re the biggest culprits of all. Most of us practice what can best be described as ‘health insanity’. Either Benjamin Franklin or Albert Einstein or both, defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I like to use the term ‘health insanity’ to characterize the attitude of most of us to our health.
We do the same old things, treat our body in the same old way, think the same old thoughts and yet somehow expect our health to improve or at the least be maintained. What we need is a strategy that can help us escape from the ‘health insanity’ trap ‘automatically’ changing our thinking and the way we do things – so we can take control of our health.
As you can no doubt imagine, the conditioning we receive can be an extremely powerful block to achieving lifetime health. No matter what we try at the conscious level to do for our health, buried away in our subconscious is the ‘fact’ (as far as our mind is concerned) that sooner or later, aging and deteriorating health will catch up with us.